Thursday, November 27, 2008

2003 World Mass Weapon of Destruction (2003 癸未 Gui Wei)

Years of Turbulence (Part IV)

Continue from Years of Turbulence (Part III)…

The year 2003 was also the year that United Stated declared war over Iraq. Iraq was allegedly possessing of mass weapon of destruction. United States and it coalition allies, United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark and Poland, claimed that Iraq posed serious threat to the security of United States and Europe as well as the world peace. The reasons for the invasion were "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."

However, the United Nation has found no evidence of mass weapon of destruction. The United Nation Security Council did not even publicly authorised the war against Iraq. Many have protested against the war and suggested diplomatic solution instead but all this has fallen into deaf ear. The United States together with its coalitions when ahead with the war. President Bush used the 911's incident and the purported ties of Saddam Hussien with Al-Queda to promote fear and instigate d the war.

[There are no solid prove WMD in Iraq, but the citizens of US still supported the wars out fear – irrational thinking again in the Gui Wei year]

Saddam Hussein was captured on 13 December 2003 at a farm near Tikrit. At the point of his capture, he looked disorientated and disillusion [Gui Wei influenced], very different from those day when he still in power.

The war soon turned out to be a farce. No mass weapon of destruction has been found. Iraq was in chaos. There were massive civil disorder, including the looting of government buildings and increased crime to due an absence of law and order. The United States and United Nation tried to establish a stable democratic state that was capable to defend itself soon after President declare victory on 1 May 2003. However, this proved to be difficult tasked due to the increase of insurgent attacks. Although government was formed in Iraq, it still remains in unstable state up to now. [Influence of Gui Wei deception, massive civil disorder, and crime]

[The deception of the war, the fear of terrorism that had led to the Iraqi's war, human rights abuse during the war, Iraq, the country that unable to recover from pre-war were the influenced of Gui Wei year. When the water is being contaminated it takes a lot work and time to filter for clear and clean water again]

The United Nation described that Iraq was in "civil war-like situation" in 2006. Up till now, 27 November 2008, peace in Iraq remains illusive.

The article of Years of Turbulence is getting longer than I first thought. That's why I break it into so many chapters. Hope you would not be bored by now. Still have three more topics to go…

2004 Tsunami (2004 甲申 Jia Shen)

2008 United States Property Bust (2008 戊子 Wu Zi)

2009 The Earth Ox (2009 己丑 Ji Chou)


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