Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Day to Start Work after Chinese New Year 2010

A quick scan on the calendar, doesn't promise much. There are only two good days, one falls only as fair day, available to resume work after Chinese New Year.

On 19 February 2010 is a fair day, according to Twelve Officer date selection method it is an open day which is good to start work or resume your business after the Chinese New Year break with the EXCEPTion for those born in HORSE year. Or alternatively, you can choose a later date on 25 February 2010 which is a stable day and according to Dong Gong is an excellent day. This day is NOT GOOD for people born in year of RAT.

For the piece of mind of those who do not have the privilege to choose a good day to start work, just to let you know I have been starting work immediately after the Chinese New Year for all this while. Nothing catastrophe happen to me yet.JA

Most of my colleagues are either from outstation or they are the "Hokkein" who offer prayer to "Tian Kong" so usually take a long leave till the 10th of the Chinese New Year. So like any other year I have to be back on the 4th day of New Year and in this case, 17 February 2010.

For those who do not have the privilege to choose a date, you need not worry too much. If anything happen, just deal with it. This is a Tiger Year. It is a year for the courageous. Do not in anyway attempt or try become a "Meow, Meow!"




Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, i'm not taking any new year leave this year too and start work on the 3rd day of CNY. My company only have one day leave replace on Monday, 16th Feb so like you said, anything comes just deal with it, heh! Can't affort to waste my leave till the 19th, way to long!

Josephine said...


I wish all the best in the Tiger year.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,

My whole life people have been taking material things from me and later claim that it's theirs or worse makes me feel guilty for asking my property back. Is that readable in my chart? Or that just life and I'm being too nice of a person?

Josephine said...


Yes, it is readable from the chart. If you realised you have this problem you can actually take step to prevent it. Do not give away the material things to people in the first place. People can force you to do things. Be more assertive. If the property is yours there is no need to feel guilty when requesting what is yours. The other party should feel bad of not giving back your stuff. Yes, you are being too nice with people and letting them walk all over you. Another thing is also you mixing with the wrong people. Take this as a lesson to really know the people you call friends. True friends will not make you feel this way or do this to you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,

Thank you for the advice. What boggles me is they just take them from me without asking. I will come to my desk with something missing or go home and find someone has taken something of me. I'm truly bothered.

I will take your advice and stand my ground. You say it's the year for the courageous...I hope so!

Josephine said...


Hope you find the strength to stand up against them. They are truly rude, taking things without asking. Their actions are like thief and if it happen again you should treat them like one and report it to the authority or police.

All the best of luck.
